Short Christian Videos about the teachings of Jesus Christ
Christian Video Devotionals by WellSaid...
Straight about life...

Straight about life...

Our works follow us if they remain eternal...

How to overcome the devil…only way to beat a lie is with the truth..

Can you receive the Holy Spirit any way…

Thank you for visiting we are here to encourage better understanding of Christian living and spiritual growth. We teach the life and teachings of Jesus the Christ of Nazareth the God of gods. Through faith and biblical study, I teach through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, He made a way for you to be forgiven of all of your wrong doings, and makes a way for you to never have to choose evil, and will never ask you to do wrong. Please explore my blog and short Christian videos and other bible studies to help understand God's plan and purpose in the Author of Salvation to all those who obey Him (Heb 5:8-9). Jesus says blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness(being right with God and fellowman) will be filled (Matt 5:6). Ask Jesus of Nazareth to confirm this truth to you.
My prayer, through Jesus Christ, is He may meet your soul's deepest needs and heal your soul's deepest wounds, and you may prosper as your soul prospers, In Jesus of Nazareth name amen (may it be so).
Christian living and spiritual growth blog
Here at, we are an open bible study of Christian living and spiritual growth. Through biblical study and interpretation I encourage faith and prayer to overcome daily Christian struggles.
For years, I have served as a useful source of motivation, inspiration, and encourager of Christian living and spiritual growth and faith with help or advice on Facebook. I finally decided to own that role and be intentional about it. What started on Facebook became website and has evolved into a rich site filled with information about life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Please, take some time to explore the site and pray and meditate on the good teachings of Jesus of Nazareth found in the new agreement between God and mankind, called the New Testament of Christ (1 Tim 2:5). Please leave a comment or question, and thank you for visiting, or if interested in speaking engagements, then please contact me and may God bless our search for the truth.