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Ben Stewart

How repentance is created…

How repentance is created…

Listen to what is written in the holy Bible given by inspiration of the Holy Spirit recorded for us to learn and grow from…

For godly sorrow works repentance unto salvation…what is godly sorrow? is it sorry God I offended you? Is it sorry God I hurt your feelings…sorry God I made you cry…for godly sorrow works repentance unto salvation a repentance which brings no regret but the sorrow of the world works death. Some people sorry they got caught…other people sorry they did wrong because God was offended…

Listen to what David the man after God's own heart has recorded about him sad… the sacrifices of God are a broken spirit a broken and contrite heart oh God you will not despise… David the man after God's own heart says if your heart is broke and humbled before God for what you've done and who you are this is an acceptable sacrifice…

Listen to what Jesus said… blessed are the poor in spirit…those that say I cannot do it without you God… for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven... Blessed are those that mourn for they will be comforted…as in blessed are those that say I'm sorry God didn't mean to do you wrong… Blessed are the meek or the obedient for they shall inherit the earth…blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled… bless are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy…blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God…

What does pure in heart mean…but to have pure intentions…to have no evil in your heart…to have no ill will towards your neighbor…but to have the purest intentions…to intend to do good will to others…

what does blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy mean…if you forgive you'll be forgiven… what does hunger and thirst after righteousness mean…it means hunger and thirst after being right what God more than food… and you will be filled you will be made right with God…Father we offer you a corrupt heart that you may cleanse and recreate pure in Jesus of Nazareth name Amen.

How repentance is created…
How repentance is created…


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